De bekende Surinaamse zanger Onkel Seedo (61) is gisteren plotseling overleden in Schotland. Dat heeft zijn familie bekend gemaakt, aldus onder andere Waterkant.net vandaag, woensdag 11 december 2019. Hij was soulzanger en was ook bekend als 'Soulman Mr. Onkel'.
Zijn dood komt precies 10 dagen na het overlijden van Ernie ‘Boogie’ Seedo.
Zijn boekingsbureau in Schotland heeft zijn dood bevestigd en zegt daarover:
'It is with a very heavy heart and much sadness that we have learned tonight of the sudden death of Mr Onkel (Onkel Seedo). Our thoughts are with his partner Liz and all of their family.
Onkel worked with us since his arrival in Scotland in 2009 and was a hugely popular and well booked Act and was a true showman. We are sure that you will all be as shocked as we are and pay tribute to Mr Onkel, a born entertainer.
An incredibly sad day for Onkel’s family & friends and for the wider entertainment family that Onkel was firmly a part of.'
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