De voormalige nationale schatbewaarder ('treasurer') van Venezuela heeft toegegeven meer dan 1 miljard dollar aan steekpenningen te hebben ontvangen als onderdeel van illegale valutamarktoperaties, waarbij een plaatselijke televisiemagnaat nu in staat van beschuldiging is gesteld door Justitie in de VS, aldus Amerikaanse gerechtelijke documenten die dinsdag 20 november 2018 zijn vrijgegeven.
Alejandro Andrade (54) - die ooit werkzaam was als bodyguard van de socialistische leider Hugo Chavez en zeer rijk is geworden door de Venezolaanse regering en woont in een 9.000 vierkante meter groot Wellington-landgoed, Palm Beach Point -, die vier jaar onder leiding van Chavez de schatkist leidde, ontving dankzijzijn illegale bezigheden eigendommen, platina- en gouden Rolex-horloges en Mercedes Benz-voertuigen, aldus documenten van de Amerikaanse districtsrechtbank Southern District of Florida.
Hij deed dit met de hulp van samenzweerders waaronder Raul Gorrin, eigenaar van televisiestation Globovision, die is beschuldigd van het betalen van steekpenningen aan Andrade en anderen en die heeft bijgedragen aan het witwassen van de betalingen, volgens documenten die deze week zijn vrijgegeven.
Gorrin betaalde miljoenen aan steekpenningen aan Andrade en een andere Venezolaanse topfunctionaris om de rechten op het verrichten van valutatransacties voor de Venezolaanse regering tegen gunstige tarieven veilig te stellen, beweren Officieren van Justitie.
De andere functionaris is vermoedelijk Claudia Patricia Díaz Guillén, die Andrade opvolgde als nationale schatbewaarder. Ze zit in Spanje in de gevangenis en vecht tegen uitlevering aan Venezuela.
De zaken maken deel uit van een brede inspanning van federale openbare aanklagers in de Verenigde Staten om het gebruik van het Amerikaanse financiële stelsel tegen te gaan om de opbrengsten van ongebreidelde corruptie in het door crises getroffen land dat lijdt aan hyperinflatie wit te wassen.
President Nicolas Maduro heeft weinig gezegd over strafprocedures tegen voormalige Venezolaanse functionarissen, maar zegt dat de Verenigde Staten zijn regering probeert te ondermijnen door middel van financiële sancties.
Zowel Andrade, die van 2007 tot 2011 schatewaarder was, als Gorrin vergaarden enorme bedragen door gebruik te maken van de wisselkoerscontroles van Venezuela, volgens de documenten.
Amerikaanse Officieren van Justitie hebben ook een schuldig pleidooi aangekondigd van Gabriel Jimenez, een Venezolaans staatsburger die heeft toegegeven samen te werken met Gorrin en anderen om de in Dominicaanse Republiek gevestigde Banco Peravia te kopen en het te gebruiken om geld voor omkoping wit te wassen
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Venezuelan Billionaire News Network Owner, Former Venezuelan National Treasurer and Former Owner of Dominican Republic Bank Charged in Money Laundering Conspiracy Involving Over $1 Billion in Bribes
A Venezuelan billionaire who owns Globovision news network was charged in an indictment unsealed yesterday for his role in a billion-dollar currency exchange and money laundering scheme. A former Venezuelan national treasurer and a former owner of Banco Peravia bank in the Dominican Republic each pleaded guilty in proceedings unsealed today for their roles in the scheme.Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan of the Southern District of Florida, Special Agent in Charge Mark Selby of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Miami Field Office, Special Agent in Charge Mark B. Dawson of HSI Houston Field Office, Special Agent in Charge George L. Piro of the FBI Miami Field Office, Special Agent in Charge Peter C. Fitzhugh and Inspector General Jay N. Lerner of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) Washington, D.C. Office made the announcement.
Raul Gorrin Belisario (Gorrin), 50, a Venezuelan citizen with a residence in Miami, Florida, was charged in an indictment filed on Aug. 16, 2018 in the Southern District of Florida with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and nine counts of money laundering. The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge William P. Dimitrouleas of the Southern District of Florida. Alejandro Andrade Cedeno (Andrade), 54, a Venezuelan citizen residing in Wellington, Florida and a former Venezuelan national treasurer, pleaded guilty under seal on Dec. 22, 2017 before U.S. District Judge Robin L. Rosenberg of the Southern District of Florida to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering. Gabriel Arturo Jimenez Aray (Jimenez), 50, a Venezuelan citizen residing in Chicago, Illinois and former owner of Banco Peravia bank, pleaded guilty under seal on March 20, 2018 in the Southern District of Florida before Judge Rosenberg to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering. Charges against Andrade and Jimenez were unsealed today.
The indictment alleges that Gorrin paid millions of dollars in bribes to two high-level Venezuelan officials, including Andrade, to secure the rights to conduct foreign currency exchange transactions at favorable rates for the Venezuelan government. In addition to wiring money to and for the officials, Gorrin allegedly purchased and paid expenses for them related to private jets, yachts, homes, champion horses, high-end watches and a fashion line. To conceal the bribe payments, Gorrin made payments through multiple shell companies. Gorrin allegedly partnered with Jimenez to acquire Banco Peravia, a bank in the Dominican Republic, to launder bribes paid to Venezuelan officials and proceeds of the scheme.
As part of his guilty plea, Andrade admitted that he received over $1 billion in bribes from Gorrin and other co-conspirators in exchange for using his position as Venezuelan national treasurer to select them to conduct currency exchange transactions for the Venezuelan government. As part of his plea agreement, Andrade agreed to a forfeiture money judgment of $1 billion and forfeiture of all assets involved in the corrupt scheme, including real estate, vehicles, horses, watches, aircraft and bank accounts. His sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 27.
As part of his guilty plea, Jimenez admitted that, as part of the scheme, he conspired with Gorrin and others to acquire Banco Peravia, through which he helped launder bribe money and scheme proceeds. His sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 29.
HSI Miami, HSI Houston, HSI Boston, FBI Miami, and the FDIC D.C. investigated this case. This case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Vanessa Sisti Snyder, Paul A. Hayden and John-Alex Romano of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael B. Nadler and Nalina Sombuntham of the Southern District of Florida’s Criminal Division. The Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs provided significant assistance in this matter. The Policía Nacional (Spanish National Police) also provided significant assistance.
The Fraud Section is responsible for investigating and prosecuting all FCPA matters. Additional information about the department’s FCPA enforcement efforts can be found at www.justice.gov/criminal/fraud/fcpa.
The charges in the indictment are merely allegations, and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
(Suriname Mirror/Reuters/Palm Beach Post/Scribd Suriname Mirror)
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